Hi, I’m Ivy
Hi, my name is Ivy, nice to meet you!
I work with the moon-called, with free-spirits and with not-so-free spirits who need a bit of guidance to connect with their inner goddess.
I’ve been practicing earth-based spirituality for over 20 years, and have been teaching, leading circles and covens for 15 of those years. Now I get to apply those skills to help you and others like you!
My mission is to empower women to connect with spirit. I help facilitate connection with the divine feminine inherent within every woman, as well as the “outer” god/dess that guides us on our path.
I also have created an amazing group of like-minded women in the Rising Fire Tribe on Facebook. It’s a great place to ask questions and get many different types of answers.
From Bad Choices to Badass Witch
Growing up, my parents were determined to give me a drama-free childhood, and they succeeded. I was invested in a wide-ranging array of activities as a kid – Girl Scouts, peer counseling, dance, leadership, and clubs in school. It was also as a kid that I was introduced to the concepts of yoga and meditation by my mother. I loved being in nature- I had little hidey-holes in the bushes that felt magickal to me. I felt like there was more to nature than what was on the surface.
In high school, choices I made led to an abusive relationship, and consequently I found myself in a bit of a downward spiral. While I graduated with honors and a great GPA, instead of university, I spent a few aimless years in community college before dropping out. I found myself in a cycle of physical self-harm. I felt suicidal sometimes. I made terrible romantic choices and due to many betrayals in my formative years, I had no female friends. Really. One even tried to frame me for fraud. I thought women couldn’t be friends- that we were inherently competitive and catty.
Looking to improve my life, I slowly got back into meditation and gentle yoga. I found Wicca by picking up a book because I thought it would be funny. Because, how fun does witchcraft sound? Little did I know, this five dollar book would act as a catalyst to change my life. Spending time in communion with the goddess, ceremony and ritual helped me to balance my life and channel the frustration and other energies that were manifesting in self-harm and destructive behavior. As I delved more deeply into Wicca and then other Earth-based traditions, I found myself changing and yearning for community.
I met a few amazing witchy women and they were a healing balm for the sister wound created by past catty and mean girlfriends. Through them, I realized that the divine feminine lives through each and every woman and manifests itself in amazing and unique ways. I began to realize the power of the women’s circle.
Yet, I really felt called to find a structured community practice.
I looked for a local coven and finding nothing available, I decided to start my own. This coven has evolved over 14 years into the group I still lead!
Early in its lifetime, I created a ten-week priestess training course for our dedicant students, and then, when needed, a high-priestess training program for those priestesses ready to start their own coven. I’ve created countless workshops and ceremonies for our circle and others. I’ve coached and provided spiritual counseling to those inside and out of my personal spiritual groups.
And I’m ready to extend my circle to include amazing women like YOU!
Professional Bio
Ivy is a wife, Wiccan high priestess, ritualist, devotee to Aphrodite and a fur momma to two adorable fur-babies.
Growing up with a love of nature and the earth, it was natural that, after a long and twisty path, Ivy came to walk alongside the divine feminine. She believes that the goddess lives in each of us, and aligning ourselves with our inner goddess leads to happiness and abundance.
She is the high priestess of Twilight Spiral Coven in Orange County, and the creatrix of the Rising Fire Tribe group on Facebook. She also leads red tent ceremonies and teaches classes and workshops in the Orange County area.
May your path be amazing and magical!